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Everything posted by The3DReaL

  1. I wanted to prepare more thoroughly for my absence, but I didn't have time to do a lot. I will be in treatment for about 30 days, most likely without the ability to use the phone. The rest of the team and all our services will operate as normal. Only sales through FunPay and comments in the VK community are disabled You can buy through PayPal or other services If you have any problems, then create a ticket or write to VK. You can also support me through these services Donation Alerts CloudTips Мне хотелось более тщательно подготовиться к своему отсутствию, но времени было мало. Лечиться буду около 30 дней, скорее всего без возможности пользоваться телефоном. Остальная часть команды и все наши сервисы будут работать в обычном режиме. Отключены только продажи через FunPay и комментарии в сообществе ВК. Вы можете купить через PayPal или другие сервисы Если у вас возникли проблемы, то создайте тикет или напишите в ВК. Вы также можете поддержать меня через эти сервисы Donation Alerts CloudTips
  2. XMod v1.0.19 Local fixes Updated login and registration page
  3. Заметили ошибку в переводе? Нужен перевод для конкретной игры? Или нужно обновить перевод? Сообщите сюда и мы в самое ближайшее время внесем изменения!
  4. 9th Anniversary of P3DHack!
  5. XMod v1.0.18 Local fixes Updated login and registration page Updated picture during installation and update
  6. XMod v1.0.17
  7. XMod v1.0.16 Autoupdate fixed Changes have been made in Russian localization
  8. XMod v1.0.13 Local fixes Updated registration page Changes have been made in Russian localization
  9. XMod v1.0.12 Updated images Updated advertising banners for free users Changes have been made in Russian localization
  10. XMod: Reworked Wiki Added Russian language for XMod Wiki P3DHack Exclusive: We also plan to release a major update for P3DHack Exclusive in the near future and implement a Wiki with all the current questions and answers. Real life: I'm back from the hospital and, overall, I feel noticeably better, so we'll be back in the game soon with new functionality!
  11. I would like to answer immediately the most important question from our audience. Will there be P3DHack on Payday 3? For now, I can't say anything. Of course, we would like to continue to develop P3DHack in Payday 3, but in the current situation with Payday 2 multiplayer and some controversial decisions with Payday 3, such as microtransactions, denuvo, permanent Internet connection, mandatory additional registrations and much more, I would offered to wait for the release, and then tell you the exact answer. Part of the team already has a copy of Payday 3, we will hope for a positive outcome, but still do not make any promises about Payday 3. I would also like to answer the second popular question. Why can't I join someone in the lobby? The problem is Payday 2 and their developers. P3DHack Exclusive now has two small issues that are already fixed and are waiting for their release, the rest functions works without any problems. I'd really like to help anyone who asks us for help on this issue, but aside from some quick fixes that Overkill recently broke, I can't offer much. Unlike the developers of Payday 2, we are primarily focused on the quality of P3DHack, and then everything else. Instead of releasing fixes for the network part, they release new paid DLC and "Dead game" cosmetic items, which can be seen as a complete disrespect to their audience, which has been supporting them for more than 10 years, despite critical errors in the game and its further development. The only solution I can offer in solving this problem is(Only works with Steam): Open Your library - Payday 2 - Properties - General - Launch Options Enter there -steamMM Install The Fixers mod Our plans: Close all tickets Improve site Also in our plans is the development of the Payday 2 modding community, we plan to invite authors here and give them good conditions for further development. We plan to provide useful mods that will be compatible with P3DHack. New cheat project New cheat project Development of microservices on P3DHack Improved compatibility with VR version New payment methods More social activity Video material P.s: The plans are huge and I would like to implement them all as soon as possible, but lately I feel too exhausted, enough time has passed since the tests with a negative result for cancer came in, but I still cannot fully recover from that situation. I will try to gather my strength and make P3DHack a convenient platform for every user. I would ask for some time from myself, but really I just need to close a huge list of problems to make me feel better. I also wanted to express my gratitude to @_atom and other team members who continue to work on the project despite all the difficulties that have arisen.
  12. The3DReaL

    The Fixes

    Version 29


    This mod fixes a lot of base game bugs and crashes. It is a must have. Install to 'mods' folder. All of the fixes should be compatible with any other mods. Note that some fixes will only work if you are the host and most of the fixes are individual (it means they don't affect other players). If you encounter any problems with this mod then please report them, preferably in this thread. If your own mod conflicts with one of the fixes, consider preventing that fix from loading. Read more here. You might as well want to install these other mods that fix things: Map Scripting Improvements Visual Fixes
  13. The3DReaL


    Version 1.4.0


    SuperBLT SuperBLT is a fork of the BLT mod-loading hook for PAYDAY 2, with a number of major improvements, such as a cross-platform audio API and the ability to alter any base-game XML file without the hassle of modifying bundle files (greatly alleviating the need for Bundle Modder). Installation Prerequisite If you've previously used vanilla BLT, you will have to: Delete IPHLPAPI.dll - This is the original BLT DLL, and you can't have both installed at the same time due to conflicts. Delete mods/base - This is another part of the original BLT, and SuperBLT will download its own version. However, you must first delete the old version. Windows Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable package (x86) (you will only need to do this once, even if you later reinstall SuperBLT) Download the Latest Release DLL, and place it in your PAYDAY 2 folder (alongside payday2_win32_release.exe). Start the game, and SuperBLT will prompt you to download the basemod. Select Yes, and it will notify you when it's done downloading. At this point, SuperBLT has been fully installed. The description will be finalized soon, if you are the author or want to help us with the development of this section, then create a ticket with the category collaboration
  14. Здравствуйте, с выходом обновлений старались обновлять русскую локализацию, сейчас же вся видима часть переведена, за исключением пары функций. Если нашли какую-то ошибку или неточность, то можете написать об этом здесь: https://ru.crowdin.com/project/p3dhack
  15. P3DHack Free v4.20 We have released a major update for P3DHack Free, almost completely updating all its components. We have also added an auto-update that will alert you when a new version is released and that all required dll files are present in the game. We will also update the instructions and other information soon so that there is no confusion with the partner loader. Мы выпустили крупное обновление для P3DHack Free, практически полностью обновив все его компоненты. Также добавили автообновление, которое сообщит вам о выходе новой версии и о том, что в игре присутствуют все необходимые dll-файлы. И совсем скоро обновим инструкции и другую информацию, чтобы не было путаницы с партнерским загрузчиком. P3DHack Free v4.20 Suspicion of oncology/Подозрение на онкологию I don't know how to start talking about this... Recently, I have been experiencing difficulties with my health and now there are three options for the development of events: Я не знаю, как начать говорить об этом... В последнее время я испытываю трудности со здоровьем и сейчас есть три варианта развития событий: Psoriasis/Псориаз Neurodermatitis/Нейродермит Oncology/Онкология I hope for the best outcome, but it all depends on the tests and analyzes that I will have before the end of the month. Most analyzes and tests will have to be paid, including the most expensive - a biopsy. In connection with this event, I would like to make a discount when paying through FreeKassa, use the promo code SUPPORT to get a 35% discount. There is a possibility that when paying less than $ 5 or 300 rubles there will be no available methods, in this case, choose a more expensive tariff. Надеюсь на лучший исход, но все зависит от анализов и тестов, которые у меня будут до конца месяца. Большинство анализов и тестов придется оплатить, включая самое дорогое – биопсию. В связи с данным событием хочу сделать скидку при оплате через FreeKassa, используйте промокод SUPPORT для получения скидки 35%. Есть вероятность, что при оплате менее 5 долларов или 300 рублей не будет доступных способов, в этом случае выбирайте более дорогой тариф. You can also support me through these services/Вы также можете поддержать меня через эти сервисы DonationAlerts CloudTips Plans for the near future/Планы на ближайшее будущее This time I can't talk about any ambitious plans. Now we need to wait for the results of the analysis. Lately, I've been trying to escape from reality instead of gathering my strength and fighting problems, but because of the worries and stress, I feel exhausted. В этот раз я не могу говорить о каких-то амбициозных планах. Сейчас нужно дождаться результатов анализа. В последнее время я пытаюсь уйти от реальности вместо того, чтобы собраться с силами и бороться с проблемами, но из-за переживаний и стресса я чувствую себя полностью истощенным. Small plans/Небольшие планы Reply to all in the Support section. I apologize in advance to those who are waiting for an answer for any reason, I remember you and will try to answer as soon as possible. Update the site and update various information. Ответить всем в разделе Поддержка. Заранее прошу прощения у тех, кто ждет ответа по каким-либо причинам, я о вас помню и постараюсь ответить как можно быстрее. Обновить сайт и обновить различную информацию. Big plans for Payday 2/Большие планы на Payday 2 The rest of the P3DHack team is working as before, and we will soon please you with various improvements in P3DHack! Implementation of microservices - this idea has been in my head for a long time, it is planned to add various tools for working with Payday 2 and P3DHack to this section. More payment methods I would also like to talk about another large-scale..., but due to various problematic situations, it will have to be postponed indefinitely. Остальная команда P3DHack работает в прежнем режиме, и скоро мы порадуем вас различными улучшениями в P3DHack! Реализация микросервисов - эта идея давно была в моей голове, в этот раздел планируется добавить различные инструменты для работы с Payday 2 и P3DHack. Больше способов оплаты Также хотелось бы рассказать еще об одной масштабном..., но из-за различных проблемных ситуаций ее придется отложить на неопределенный срок.
  16. Foreword: Since the beginning of this year, we have significantly improved P3DHack, despite all the difficulties that have arisen. Also, thanks to the monetization of free content, P3DHack Free has been significantly improved. I also will try to write down all major changes and sum up every month. In the near future, we plan to release microservices, which we are currently actively working on. We would also like to devote more time to the social and media part of the project. As always, our plans are extremely large-scale and ambitious, among other things, we plan to launch 3 new products. From February 9 to February 17, I will be on a business trip to resolve this issue. I will try to close tickets promptly during the trip, but perhaps the support will be exactly the same as it is now. Website and administrative affairs: Tickets closed and pre-moderation worked out Added alternative way to download free content Improved ticket system, added free section Taxes paid 250 phishing videos and links blocked. P3DHack Exclusive: Removed confusion and misunderstandings from old customers Reworked download page Updated and improved instructions In the section with additional information, new material has been added and old material has been updated Reworked information with password reset if the user logged in through social networks Major update for P3DHack Exclusive released P3DHack Free: Updated information on the download page, simplified the instructions Started porting the new architecture to P3DHack Free Started the standardization process for P3DHack Free and P3DHack Exclusive Major update for P3DHack Free released
  17. Здравствуйте, лидерство достаточно легко перехватить, нужно просто проявлять активность и создавать контент, потом перейти в команду и генерировать еще больше контента, так что не вижу никакой проблемы в этом. Все разделы ваши, а сообщения платных пользователей отправляются без подтверждения
  18. The3DReaL


    The exclusive has a beautiful group animation, that's all. And so, absolutely everything is the same for old and new customers
  19. The3DReaL


    Since you supported us at the very beginning of our journey, you don’t have to pay anything.
  20. Version v1.05


    Don't install P3DUnlocker and X-Ray with P3DHack together, it is already included in P3DHack! Instructions: First of all, be sure to install the 2017 Visual C ++ Runtime otherwise the game will crash on startup. Download and install Delete mods folder and IPHLPAPI.dll Download and unzip archive Run file and press "Скачать и сохранить" Copy WSOCK32.dll and mods in the PAYDAY 2 Game Directory, removing old mods folder and IPHLPAPI.dll Run Payday 2 and go to Options - Mod options - P3DUnlocker and X-Ray Config for changing the language or enabling DLC,Skin Unlocker or Armor unlocker Open Options - Mod Keybinds to set hotkey for X-Ray Vision Toggle Have questions or difficulties? Looking forward to respond in support sector! For using items from DLC that you did not purchase, you will get a cheater tag. In P3DHack Exclusive, you can bypass the cheater tag for using DLC If you do not want to install additional software, then click on the "дополнительные параметры" button and uncheck the software that you do not want to install.
  21. Version 4.25


    Instructions: Please follow the instructions for everything to work correctly! Для отображения русскоязычной инструкции откройте дополнительную категорию First of all, be sure to install the Visual C ++ Runtime otherwise the game will crash on startup. 2017x86 2010x86 If you see error 0x80070666 or another, where it says that it is already installed, then let's go to the next point Remove the following files before installing: IPHLPAPI.dll - if you have such a dll, if not, then do next mods folder If you are users with a large collection of mods, then backup it and return them after installation Download and unzip archive Copy files in the PAYDAY 2 Game Directory: mods folder auth.json PhysX3Cooking_x86.dll - Agree to a replacement PhysX3Cooking_x86_org.dll - Agree to a replacement WSOCK32.dll Setting the date and time on your computer Open Adjust data/time Turn on Set time automatically Set time zone automatically Click Sync now Open Time.is site and check the data and time, it must match your region. Your time may differ by a few seconds, but should match the current time in your area. In main menu go to P3DHack Menu - P3DHack Config for changing the language or settings of P3DHack Free In main menu, press F11 to find out all KeyBinds and get answers to basic questions. Additionally: If you feel like you did everything right but P3DHack Free doesn't work: Switch to the game console, it will open when the game starts If you see similar messages, then something went wrong: FATAL ERROR: (C:\Users\...\InitiateState.cpp:294) mods\P3DHack Free\AnyFile.luac:1: '=' expected near 'pV6B' If you see a lot of red text in the console, it means that the game cannot open the files due to failed authorization. Look at the very beginning of the console, you should see similar messages: Checking auth.. Sending auth.. Authed! If you see: Wrong login or password - Check your data in auth.json, if your password contains special characters, then try to simpler password Something went wrong - Check the time on your computer Unexpected error - Check the time on your computer Sending auth.. and after that nothing - Check the time on your computer Seems you don't own any paid version! - Move dll from the archive to the game folder. Click "Useful information" tab for tips and more information about P3DHack Free Additional Information We use partner services to monetize free content. Thanks to this solution, we expand the functionality, develop and maintain the P3DHack infrastructure. We carefully test affiliate programs before integration. If you don't want to install additional software, click «Дополнительные параметры» and uncheck the software you don't want to install. You can also upgrade to P3DHack Exclusive and enjoy the best cheat without any restrictions.
  22. How to help with localization Open crowdin People who took part in localization: Russian by @The3DReaL and @Default Fox Portuguese by @PeDrum Spanish by @deepjb and @zerocerdas Chinese Simplified by @dounai2333 Danish Translation by @TheBeast Slovak by @RoxploYsko Traditional Chinese by @GameKingLin French by @RyUkAy German by @Ryu1654 Turkish by @Ryu1654 Italian by @PsychoMantis Localization Awards: 2 ruble per 1 line, if this is a new translation and it has not been completed fully. 3 rubles per line for updating an existing language. 4 rubles per 1 line, if this is a new translation and it has been completed fully.
  23. Team recruitment We plan to expand and invite you to become part of our team. This time we decided to change the recruitment approach in order to avoid past mistakes and speed up the processing of your applications. First of all, we would like to see in you a responsible and honest person, with a display of initiative and self-organization on your part. List of vacancies and their responsibilities and requirements: Content manager Responsibilities: Working with the site: Timely updating of materials on the site, maintaining up-to-date information, identifying simple errors and eliminating them (typos, incorrect links, grammatical errors) Work with social networks: Timely updating of materials and support of up-to-date information Requirements: Grammatically correct speech Text editor skills Having a small contribution to the project. There have already been several messages from you about updating some material in this section Site improvement suggestions Designer Responsibilities: Creation and updating of graphic material on the website and in social networks. Requirements: Grammatically correct speech Direct knowledge of working in a photo editor Creating pictures that are not inferior in quality to the current material Several works in Media Youtube manager Responsibilities: Shooting and publishing videos on Youtube Requirements: Grammatically correct speech Ability to use video editors at least at a basic level Acceptable video quality Several works in Media Tester (QA engineer) Responsibilities: Definition of incorrectly working functionality Finding problems and errors in the program, in logic and in menu design Requirements: Grammatically correct speech Ability to use P3DHack Having a small contribution to the project. There have already been reports from you about incorrectly working functions and a suggestion for improving the product P3DHack improvement suggestions Did not you find what you were looking for? Let's consider your option. Conditions: Free use of our products Cash reward for active work Steam keys and other promotional bonuses Your application: Your age Your native language Availability of additional languages and their level of proficiency Desired position What software do you plan to use at work? (If required in this position) Your ability to use this software. Experience (If possible) Have you worked on any other projects? Who can confirm your presence in this project? Tell us about your professional qualities Tell me a little about yourself How much time per week are you willing to dedicate to P3DHack? Your current contribution to the P3DHack project. What has already been done by you on P3DHack? This is one of the important points, we would not want to take on new people just for the sake of numbers. Please indicate here your achievements in P3DHack, if you want to become a tester, then indicate what problems were found and fixed thanks to your help. If you really want to be on the P3DHack team, or just want to benefit from it, but there is no activity from you, then please come back later.
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